This week we welcomed the newly selected college union. The inauguration was on 22nd March 2022. The special guests for the day were Abhilash Mohana of Mathrubhumi News and Aswath Lal, the actor who brought the character Antony Thadikaran to life in the movie Hridayam. The morning sessions included the official revealing of the union logo and name and the evening session was filled with cultural programs. Both the second-year and first-year students had programs and each one was better than the other. In the end, there was a semi-dance-off between the two batches.
Rest of the week we were busy with project topic finalization and camp report submissions.
Today the day began with Joju sir's class and the physical science association continued with their seminar. We were introduced to the software 'Hot Potatoes', which can be used to make online quizzes. If I had known this earlier I would have used it for 'Mathletics'. The topic was handled by Ancy and Gayathri of Physical science association and they did a great job. Later we had Ancy ma'am's class where we discussed about social change. Ma'am made us switch on our cameras to take a group photo. It felt good too see many faces after a long time.
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