The day 18th May 2021 is special for two reasons, one it was the inauguration of Malayalam association 'സപര്യ' and second it was our, Mathematics association's logo release and inauguration. Malayalam association had a 1 hour session for the inauguration and the chief guest was a well-renowned writer, Shri Deepu P. Kurup. Though there were some technical issues, the timely assistance of Ancy ma'am helped them to put up a great show.
We, the Mathematics association had done our inauguration and logo release through Youtube. With Josena's help we were able to get hold of the movie actor Mr. Appani Sarath to do the inauguration. As usual Sajin was behind the curtains working on the video, editing , mixing the audio etc. After the inauguration we planned to do a week long program 'Mathletics' for the students of MTTC. Aby, Aswathy and I are the coordinators for this event. Aby did a great job in designing the posters for both the inauguration & Mathletics. Aswathy and I are responsible for the question collection and Google form creation. The first question was posted yesterday, the responses have been great. Looking forward to even better responses for the rest of the week.
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