The members of the union 'Ekayana' conducted the arts fest for the academic year 2020-21. The literary event 'താമ്രപത്ര' was held on 29th April 2021. The arts fest was on 30th and 31st of April 2021.
All the teams made sure that they had at least one participant from their teams. The literary fest was for one day. the events ranged from poetry writing to collage competition. I had given my name only for 'English Short Story Writing Competition'. Creative writing was never my forte but due to lack of participants, I decided to give my name.
The whole day was devoted for group dance practice. Group song and skit were the other group events that I had volunteered for. Other than the WhatsApp groups for these events there hasn't been any other progress. As far as the group dance is concerned, we are still deciding on the songs. Till now all seven of the dancers has never come together for even one practice. When one comes the other disappears,
The theme for short story competition was 'That Journey was Interrupted by a Disaster'. I couldn't settle on a concrete storyline but somehow managed to cook up a story within the given time. Varsha chechi from our group secured the first place. Out of the blue, at 2.10 pm Caran and me were pushed to participate in the collage competition which was to be held at 2.15 pm. We just had a bunch of 'Vanitha' magazines, newspapers and glue. We even had to borrow the chart paper from the other group. The topic was 'Deforestation'. I did the sketch and Caran found the pieces for each color from the magazine. I took my time to stick the pieces while Caran was quick. Anyhow we managed to almost complete the collage in time. The other teams did a great job. But to our surprise we secured the second place.
The day turned out to be great and we ended with holi celebrations.
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