Today marked the beginning of our arts fest 'അവനിജ'. The chief guests were renowned Malayalam poet Murugan Kattakada and cine artist Jeevan Gopal. The first day mainly had all the solo items like Bharatanatyam, light music etc. Aparna (2nd year) from our group helped us secure the first prize in all the solo dance categories.
Somehow we have choreographed our songs for the group dance but we are yet to finalize on the last song to end the dance with a bang. The costumes have been picked and the tops fit us perfectly. For the skit, Sreelekshmi had given many suggestions from YouTube and we selected one and has decided the parts for each person. Instead of me, Absy from MEd joined for group song.
Aby and Albin brother from our group participated in items where there were no participants. Both of them took part in mimicry and fancy dress respectively. It was very brave of them to go on stage without any preparation and take one for the team. Aby got second place for mimicry.
I could see only few programs, since I were busy practicing and making up participants from our group.
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