The first hour was by Giby ma'am. During the class we discussed about maladjustment and how our mind always finds ways to channelise its worries. Ma'am introduced us to the 'Umm Umm Therapy'. It is a method in which the therapist or the listener prompts the speaker to vent out his feeling by saying 'umm?'. Any person who is a good listener can be a 'umm' therapist.
After that we had our Induction Analysis followed by the oath taking ceremony for the newly elected union members.
After lunch, the women's cell club organized the a self defense class as a part of women's day celebration. The class was taken by Jaya Mary, Anees Bhal and Athulya from the Kerala police. During the talk Anees ma'am stressed on the fact that women must always react and never remain silent when a man mistreats her. They demonstrated few warm up exercises and self defense moves. She also encouraged us to join their self defense classes at Palayam.