Came back to college after spending the weekend at home. First hour was by Giby ma'am where we discussed about the learning process. She stressed the fact that the process is much more important than the end result. Learning is not about scoring marks in the exam but about the paths you took to gain the knowledge to write the exam. Later ma'am described the Swan effect which tells that one should swim through life as gracefully as a swan while the efforts taken by the swan to reach the destination is known only to it. We also discussed about the 80-20 rule where 80 percent of our efforts in life goes in vain and only 20 percent of it will be fruitful. When we are focused only at the end product, I think this principle will help us keep going. During the optional hour we had reading and reflection oresentation by Sajin. He chose the book 'à´µേà´°ുകൾ' by Malayattoor Ramakrishnan. Later Neema did her presentation on how different civilizations contributed to the development of...