It was a bright and sunny morning. As usual the day began with a prayer. The first class was by Dr Giby. The class focused on the history and different branches of psychology. An activity was done to illustrate the need of psychology in our lives. We were asked to draw according to Giby Ma'am's instructions in an unconventional way, by placing the book over our heads.Obviously none of the drawings turned out the way it should have. But few among us, used their fingers to get a point of reference while drawing.This technique shows the predictability nature of psychology. Those students expected the next instruction and could produce a better drawing. Similarly, psychology gives us means to understand people and helps to predict other people's actions. A good teacher can preduct her student's thoughts and actions.
The highlight of the day was the inaugration of our renovated canteen.Hope we'll have a chance to utilise the canteen to the fullest.The day ended with a round of dodgeball.
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